Alle Features mit jedem Tarif.
Prices. Fair. Thought through for you.
Save up to 33 % discount with annual payment
69 €/mtl.*
- 3 Webinar-Projects (Info)
- 50 Participants per date
- Auto-Webinars
- Live-Webinars
- Partner-Webinars
- Light-Functions
- Power-Functions
- VIP-Functions
Click here for more info of Light functions
- GDPR-compliant platform
- Email autoresponder
- Chat-Function
- Double opt-in process
- Optimized landing page
- One-time webinar appointments
- Recurring webinar appointments
- Call-to-Action Buttons
- Forwarding after webinar
- Software-Dashboard
- 21 languages
- Social media share function
- Intelligent load balancing
- Detailed contact list
- Webinaris Connect
All you need
149 €/mtl.*
- 10 Webinar-Projects (Info)
- 250 Participants per date
- Auto-Webinars
- Live-Webinars
- Partner-Webinars
- Light-Functions
- Power-Functions
- VIP-Functions
Click here for more info of Power functions
- Meeting-Room
- Interfaces
- Own DOI and thank you pages
- Webinar recordings
- Spontaneous appointments
- Own website registration form
- Advanced statistics
- Tracking codes
- URL wizard
- Chat function
- Affiliate tracking
- Multimedia for live webinars
- Downloads (auto)
- Fictitious chat messages (auto)
- Preparation time (auto)
- Fictitious participants
- Incoming API
- Export participants
- Auto-optimised appointment structure
- Holiday function
- Callback request form
- Own button
- Own e-mail reply address
- E-mail notifications
- Basic statistics
- Clone webinars
299 €/mtl.*
- 50 Webinar-Projects (Info)
- 500 Participants per date
- Auto-Webinars
- Live-Webinars
- Partner-Webinars
- Light-Functions
- Power-Functions
- VIP-Functions
Click here for more info of VIP functions
- Single opt-In
- White Label
- Network-Feature
- Blacklist
- VIP-Support
49 €/mtl.*
- 3 Webinar-Projects (Info)
- 50 Participants per date
- Auto-Webinars
- Live-Webinars
- Partner-Webinare
- Light-Functions
- Power-Functions
- VIP-Functions
Click here for more info of Light functions
- GDPR-compliant platform
- E-Mail-Autoresponder
- Chat-Function
- Double opt-in process
- Optimised landing page
- One-off webinar dates
- Recurring webinar dates
- Call-to-Action Buttons
- Forwarding after webinar
- Software-Dashboard
- 21 Languages
- Social media share function
- Intelligent load distribution
- Detailed contact list
- Webinaris Connect
99 €/mtl.*
- 10 Webinar-Projects (Info)
- 250 Participants per date
- Auto-Webinars
- Live-Webinars
- Partner-Webinare
- Light-Functions
- Power-Functions
- VIP-Functions
Click here for more info of Power functions
- Meeting-Room
- Interfaces
- Own DOI and thank you pages
- Webinar recordings
- Spontaneous appointments
- Own website registration form
- Advanced statistics
- Tracking codes
- URL wizard
- Chat function
- Affiliate tracking
- Multimedia for live webinars
- Downloads (auto)
- Fictitious chat messages (auto)
- Preparation time (auto)
- Fictitious participants
- Incoming API
- Export participants
- Auto-optimised appointment structure
- Holiday function
- Callback request form
- Own button
- Own e-mail reply address
- E-mail notifications
- Basic statistics
- Clone webinars
199 €/mtl.*
- 50 Webinar-Projects (Info)
- 500 Participants per date
- Auto-Webinars
- Live-Webinars
- Partner-Webinars
- Light-Functions
- Power-Functions
- VIP-Functions
Click here for more info of VIP functions
- Single opt-In
- White Label
- Network-Feature
- Blacklist
- VIP-Support
*zzgl. VAT
What is a 'Webinar Project'?
A webinar project is a self-contained webinar campaign. This means, for example, that you can create three webinar projects on three different topics, categories or goals in the Light tariff. Each individual project is handled separately in Webinaris and runs completely independently of each other. If you have two business models, for example, you can serve each of them with one project.
Example: Light plan
How do I gain more participants - with live or automated webinars?
Since with automated webinars you can easily offer your interested parties several dates per week, it is more likely that there will be a suitable date for them. This leads to more registrations, more participants and thus also to more sales and more turnover.
Why are automated webinars safer than live webinars?
Automated webinars eliminate many risk factors. For example, it regularly happens that presenters are ill, stuck in traffic, the internet is causing problems, the PC wants to make an update shortly before the webinar starts or the microphone has suddenly given up the ghost. In case of doubt, this leads to losing hundreds of potential customers. All these risk factors do not exist with automated webinars - and if something does go wrong, the participants in automated webinars are spread over many different dates, which means that you lose not 500, but perhaps only 5 potential and expensive customers.
Can I change to another tariff at any time?
Yes, you can switch between the individual tariffs at any time with just a few clicks.
Do I really not need a website, newsletter tool or similar to use Webinaris?
Webinaris is an all-in-one webinar platform - this means that everything you need for your webinars is included: From the registration page to the automated sending of all access data mails, reminder mails, sales mails etc.
Successfully gain leads and customers with webinars. We help you with it!